2 mw process steam
Project Summary:
A Feed Mill in WA required a cheaper source of energy for their production and sort the help of ACT to provide an engineered package to suit their needs.
The study proved by utilizing Biomass Wood residue and using in our Italian manufactured gasification steam boiler, the client would gain significant savings, by moving away from LPG fossil fuel for their process.
With an ROI of 12 months it was a no brainer to make the decision to convert to wood.
It must be noted that the client achieved this result even though wood was an outside purchased commodity, as they do not have their own waste material to take advantage of.
Global G 150 2mw 2500kg/hr 14 bar steam boiler, compliant with the Limited Attendance Boiler code.
The boiler was provided with automatic ash removal, PLC controls and remote monitoring.
Fuel usage:
300kg per hour of operation
Operating hours:
6000 hours per annum
1mw Hot water boiler 95c 2bar
Project Summary:
Nut processing company NSW
With the doubling of their production, the client sort a way to remove their reliance on LPG to supply energy to their drying process. The design and supply of a Hot water generator to operate on their waste shell was commissioned. ACT provided a biomass boiler, installed and commissioned the unit on-time and within budget.
EOS 100 1mw Hot water biomass boiler providing 5000lt of 95c process heating water
The boiler was provided with automatic tube cleaning, water-cooled grate, automatic ash removal and PLC controls.
Fuel usage:
150kg per hour of operation
Operating hours:
6570 hours per annum
3.5mw 25bar steam boiler and 600kwe ORC system
Project Summary:
A cereal raw material producer was looking a way to deliver his product to the market at a more competitive price by removing his dependance on LPG to generate his process steam. Electricity was also a requirement for the client.
Global G 300 3.5mw 25bar steam boiler delivering process steam and energy to a 600 kwe Turboden ORC skid based power generator. The biomass boiler was provided with automatic tube cleaning, automatic ash handling, water-cooled moving grate PLC controls and remote monitoring.
Fuel: Agricultural processing waste
Fuel usage;
380kg per hour of operation
Operating hours:
6912 hours per annum
2x 4.6mw process steam
Project Summary:
Meat producer currently uses waste oil and LPG to provide process steam to their plant.
ACT were commissioned to investigate the cost benefits of removing their current boilers for biomass wood fueled units. The survey concluded significant savings were available for proceeding with the project. An ROI was estimated based on their operational hours to be around 3 years. Should they expand their processing volume and provide an extra shift, the savings and would be significantly greater.
2x Global G400 4.6mw 12bar process and 25bar system designed steam boilers.
Total plant steam delivery of 10,000kg/hr, each boiler was designed to include automatic tube cleaning, automatic ash removal, PLC controls and remote monitoring.
Fuel: Wood residue
Fuel usage:
2600kg/ per hour of operation
Operating hours:
3600 hours per annum.
500kw hot water container boiler.
Project Summary:
Albany Council required a more cost effective method of heating their pools and activity centre. The solution chosen was Biomass.
A design was completed which provided both a mobile plant room housing both the boiler, controls, emission controls and a fuel storage integrated supply bin.
EOS 45 523kw 2 bar hot water boiler.
The boiler was provided with 24 remote monitoring which could be accessed from any computer. This provided realtime status of the boiler and it’s operation.
Fuel usage: 500 tonnes per annum.
Boiler availability 24/7.
2064 kw 2 bar hot water boiler.
Project Summary:
GAME CHANGER for landfill diversion
Waste and recycled wood boiler to provide heat to a pallet curing operation. This is the first boiler in Victoria using engineered timber and other wood waste products destined for land fill to provide a renewable fuel to produce recycled pallets.
Fuel usage 500kg per hour of operation.
Automatic tube cleaning, Automatic ash removal, Remote monitoring and PLC controls. It comes complete with a 40’ converted shipping container walking floor storage facility.
Paunch to power
Our demonstration portable 525kw Hot water boiler is on the road here in Australia. In association with the Red meat industry there is now a plant that can be trialed onsite to approved clients to test the various organic fuels with an industry product waste previously used only for composting.
We can now deliver value added energy and reduce clients production costs. This has exciting advantages over just making compost, it opens the doors to energy savings and valuable bi-products to the organics market.
Mixed municipal garbage gasification technology
Municipal curb-side garbage to energy is a great way to divert landfill waste to converting it to heat and electricity generation. This valuable feed stock would otherwise goes to landfill creating harmful emissions to the surrounding areas in the form of Green House gases. The cost savings of these plants can be measured in energy savings, emission reduction and removal of unsightly landfill sites which also create uncontrollable gases into the atmosphere such as methane and carbon dioxide.
Plants are designed to suit the local quantity of collected garbage so reduction of transport distances are achieved.
Sorted MSW with high plastic content pyrolysis plants.
Modular pyrolysis systems that use MSW/Plastic waste are able to deliver multiple products from otherwise non recyclable material. We create a on call energy battery system able to meet peak demand loads at a moments notice. We can produce Hydrogen at the same time deliver to the agricultural and production markets bio-char and transport quality fuel.