Do you pay to dispose of waste and have access to local agricultural waste or woody biomass? Then you have access to $3 per gj energy. We have the runs on the board to help

Latest news

9 Biomass boilers in Australia and counting.

It’s here! A fully kitted out 500kw container boiler, portable to travel from site to site, State to State to trial various biomass fuel mixes for the Animal processors across Australia. To know more


ACT Group are pleased to partner with the red meat industry in delivering a solution to provide energy from their problematic waste streams, reducing energy, waste processing costs and reliance on fossil fuel.

Contact us for more information.

ACT Group is providing a solution to unlocking energy contained in timber, who’s only home has been landfill. We have the answer to making use of this energy and avoiding costly landfill charges.

More information to come!

 Australia's first compact containerised biomass heat plant to be installed in WA.

The boiler will deliver enough heat for a Leisure centre Aquatic complex, reducing their carbon footprint and more importantly saving money for the community.

 If your company would like to join our growing list, then contact us to find out more about how we can support you to increase your market base, to include biomass to energy.


New’s flash:


40,000 hours of energy production using biomass, ACT Group are proud to have delivered this milestone in Australia.


ACT Group News Release

ACT GROUP (Aust) Pty Ltd are proud to release to the Australian market, a giant leap from fossil to biomass fuels.

ACT Group have always been known as a leader in biomass technology providing our range of modular boilers, producing steam, hot water, hot oil or hot air.

We can now retrofit an option to your existing plant, whether it be Steam, Hot water, Hot air, Hot Oil or Product dryers.

Through our association with a highly respected and proven technology supplier WTS from SWEDEN. WTS is a company who specialise in retrofitting clients equipment from fossil fuel to Biomass whilst still retaining the existing fuel option.

We can deliver duel, tri or quad fuel burners up to 50 mw thermal.

With plants throughout Europe, Canada and Asia, WTS has an outstanding portfolio of projects.

What has prevented you from looking at an economical conversion to biomass until now? has it been the infrastructure costs? replacement of your proven equipment and having to install a total new plant?, space?, or just the capital costs. 

ACT Group and WTS can help you modify your existing plant to continue with your existing fuel and incorporate 100% biomass change over. The project can be delivered using your repair and plant upgrade budget. 

Let us help you engineer your biomass project and capitalise on your bottom line manufacturing savings. You can also go green and collect the Carbon Emissions Reduction Credit payments.


Neatly positioned next to the pool plant room. The patrons would never know their pool was heated by Green Energy.

Neatly positioned next to the pool plant room. The patrons would never know their pool was heated by Green Energy.

Remote monitoring from anywhere in real time is a standard feature, for all our gasification boilers

Remote monitoring from anywhere in real time is a standard feature, for all our gasification boilers